The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

My journey since graduating from PSU in 2003 has been amazing. Currently I am working as a Registered Nurse in Manchester, NH while I finish my Masters Degrees to become a Nurse Practitioner. I am engaged to a great finance (who unfortunately is not a PSU alum, but still loves PSU) and we are planning our wedding for June 2010 in Tuscany! We adopted the cutest puppy from the Humane Society in November last year who is now ruling our lives. I also have the sweetest little niece who will be turning 3 in a couple months! I often return to PSU in the fall for football games and to re-live "the college experience"! I can only hope that our future children will someday want to attend PSU and have a wonderful experience just like I did! WE ARE... PENN STATE!